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Installation Procedure

NE Lintels must have a minimum end bearing of 150mm on each side of the opening, bedded on mortar. (150mm bearing for openings below 1.8 mtr and 200mm for openings above 1.8 mtr).

The lintel should be in level along its length and across its width. Masonry built must be laid on a mortar bed and all perpendicular joints to be filled with mortar.

Temporary propping beneath a steel lintel is practised to facilitate speed of construction. Care should be taken to avoid shock loading on lintels when doing masonry work above it.

The bracket can be used for bearing of lintel when the wall is not present for bearing purpose. Mark the hole location first then make a drill using 5mm drill bit and then fix bracket by plumbing nails with flat washers.

Installation Steps:
Step 01Supported At Each Solid Base
Lintels shall be simply supported at each solid base using a minimum end bearing of 150-200mm as prescribed for suitable length.
Step 03Applied Before Placing
Mortor should be applied before placing lintel on wall.
Step 05Keep Lintel In Level
Keep lintel in level along its length and across its width.
Step 07Do Not Remove The Props
Do not remove the props until the masonry work touches the slab bottom or rigid surface above the lintel and masonry should be totally dry.
Step 09No Need To Use Any Mesh For Bonding
Plastering can be done after masonry work done. No need to use any mesh for bonding. Perforation helps for strong bonding between lintel and mortor.
Step 11Mark The Hole Location First
Mark the hole location first then make a drill using 5mm drill bit. Then fix bracket by using plumbing nails or screws (for screws use pvc plugs) also use flat washers for nail.
Step 02If Damaged
Check lintels should not be cut to length or used if damaged.
Step 04Weight Capacity
Lintels must always be used within their weight capacity (see lintels loading table) or other size suggested by us as site situation.
Step 06Apply Mortor Inside
Apply mortor inside lintel before starting masonry work.
Step 08Use Props For Support
Use props for support at center of the lintel for span above 1 mtr to avoid deflection.
Step 10If Wall Is Not Present For Bearing
If wall is not present for bearing at another end of the lintel then use bracket of the same lintel width for bearing.
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